Saturday, June 11, 2011


Disappointment is the most common thing in life. 
They tell you to dream and it is ok. But sometimes dreams are not possible, you have to take that and go on trying to save the rest of your dreams -the ones that may still be possible.
I´ll be fine, nothing´s wrong. Please believe me.


Li said...

I always try and tell myself that I'm just "trading up" :)

Dulçe ♥ said...


Dasuntoucha said...

Disappointment is the most common thing in life...

...indeed...for in every disappointment lies a lesson and the seeds to sow a brighter future...felt.

Anonymous said...

true, well stated disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Short Story Slam Week 4 is still open for submission,
Come on in,
We love your creativity/talent…
Happy Thursday!
Love & hugs.